Shivah App Reviews

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A nice port of a legacy app

I guess I was hoping for a deeper world than the freeware version for the PC had. I want to know what parsha the scroll at Beth Tikvah is open to. What kind of books are on Amos Zeligs bookshelves? Is there a dusty pair of boxing gloves in the crawlspace? What do the pictures in Rajshrees apartment portray? Why cant we see for ourselves the horror that Paddy Ohares bathroom is rumored to be? In short I want more in- game toys than a computer based joke book.

A great "little" game

first off your a fan of classic point-and-click then Shivah is worth your time. The rabbi character is a welcome change from the typical hard-boiled detective that one usually find in this type of adventure. The puzzles in this game are simplistic and typically revolve around solving computer passwords; However there is some decision-making and alternate endings. In short the only major problem for fans of this genre is that shivah is just too short, expect about 1:30-2:00hrs of gameplay, there is a commentary mode to give some replay but quite frankly it all just wraps up as it getting started. For $1.99 however you get a few hours of classic adventure and support a company that is filling a niche in the adventure market.

Short but sweet

Not very long, but a nice little retro adventure.

Strong story and good implementation, worth a play

Im happy I finally played this game. The story is compelling. It is short but the length feels appropriate. Be prepared to navigate dialogue trees instead of inventory puzzles to progress. The adaptation to a touch screen is well done. But, to the developers, please cut out the lengthy opening. Why do we need to watch it every time the app launches and after you die? I love the bonus material at the very end, nice touch.

All chatter & minimal play

I loved "The Silent Age" but so disappointed in "Shivah"; the Rabbi just keeps rambling on, there are so few clues to gather or use & the actions require a variable amount of useless repetition to proceed to the next action. Plus why do we have to look at a photo of the producers to find out weve come to a clue - really?!?!? Get back to work on part two of the silent age, Please

Short and sweet

Highly recommended if you like 90s adventure games. A detective mystery without the tired detective mystery clichés. Excited to play the devs other game, Gemini Rule, next.


Loved this game, wish there were more games like this one on the App Store. A little short but still worth buying.

Brief, but clever with multiple endings

I really enjoyed this pensive gem. Great voice acting and a solid mystery. A memorable "anti-hero" main character as well.


Shivah got a Gemini Rue makeover for the iOS, which is awesome both for old and new fans. We need more point and click adventure games like this. Hopefully Shivah was successful enough that Wadjet ports or makes new titles for the iPad crowd.


This is such a groovy game; I wish there was a sequel!


After playing Gemini Rue I figured Id give this game a shot. However, as someone pointed out, there are only a handful of simple puzzles and the game is extremely short (less than an hour of good gameplay). At "the end" I expected the game to pick up, as if I just finished the prologue. Of course "The End" was definitely an unexpected screen to pop up. I think for the length, $0.99 is a reasonable price. Note: On iOS 7, whenever you tried to get to your inventory, the slider pops down as well so hopefully this annoyance will be fixed in the future for anyone buying this.

Hardly point and click adventure

Good story but puzzles are limited to figuring out passwords and conversations. Very short game. Bad design, takes few minutes to navigate back when you die.

Short but good

I love all of Wadjet Eye games and The Shivah didnt disappoint. This game is more like the Blackwell series than Gemini Rue (the best!) but more austere, shorter and with complexity. Its a story of a rabbi who is caught up in a crime, you have to navigate the rabbi through the clues as he tries to find out who did what to whom. The beauty of the game are the moral dilemmas. If you behave justly then you can win this game that has more than one outcome. I had to play a few times before I figured out that moral choices is the key. There are some difficult clues in the game so u really have to focus and search for clues. I would recommend this game to anyone who is looking for something different and enjoys games that are wrapped up in a story that has good flow. I hope Wadjet Eye continues to develop more games for Mac as I would but any game they dream up. I have fun with their stories and creative play. I only gave this four stars because this game is relatively simple compared to their others. Great visuals, no glitches, they have a sense of humor and it didnt leave me too frustrated or bored.


Great story but too short...

Great game

Wonderful games (along with Blackwell series), perfect for iOS. Interesting, adult, serious - unlike most of that genre, so feels unique.


This game got on my nerves in several ways: - All the dialogue is wannabe-deep. Its hoping that if you say abstract things in a deep, troubled voice, you can sound profound. You dont. - the voice acting is high school theater quality - the Judaism-based backstory is empty. Basic Jewish words are mispronounced or misused. Jewish concepts are misapplied. It seems like not a single Jewish person was involved in the games making. - the game mechanics are OK. There is a clue gathering and combination system that is never explained. Its too easy to get stuck. Every room is full of objects that are meaningless. This game might have been good in 2007, but its subpar for 2016. Dont waste your time. There are better games to be played.

Awesome but too short

I Strongly suggest anyone who is reading this , who is deciding to buy it or not to consider two points of this game. One: this game has a very Interesting Plot, has a creative twist in it. It certainly has some unique ideas added in like religion, mysteries, etc... I strongly suggest you to take a look and preview it in YouTube. Two: The bad part is that the game is too short. I played for 2 hours and solved nearly everything in the gAme. It should be updated to extend its story plot. For 1.99, you are not capable to play it for a long time because you will solve the story Really FAST.

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